Saturday 4 October 2008 @ 19:17
Opening Item Celebration

02nd October 2008

SPDS's 4th Opening Item Team went celebrating! At Clarke Quay's Brewerkz of course! Photos! Enjoy!

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Jenny's a speed demon, she moves so fast we cannot catch her!

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AC: Ooh? Camera? MUST POSE!

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A.C. "hehe, handsome not?"

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Mei and Weiying

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Bernard and Skye! XD

Brewerkz menu studying!

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Mei and Weiying!
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Weiying and Yon!
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Don't they look similar? haha!

Rack of lamb!

Mei and Lisa having a private moment!

SPDS Opening Item Team with the sexy people from Azzucar!

And off we go, setting for home! XD

See! It pays to be in the formation team!